Services Offered:
INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY ADVOCACY: Giving personal support and guidance to individuals and families. Help navigating resources available to individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD).
EDUCATIONAL TRAININGS: touching relevant topics along the journey of and for people with I/DD.
SPONSORSHIP OF SELF ADVOCACY GROUPS: Providing leadership and social engagement opportunities. Through a variety of social skills classes and social engagements learn new skills that promote inclusion and independence.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND EVENTS: Working to open hearts and minds to create an inclusive community that embraces and supports people with disabilities.
ARC CHRISTMAS PARTY: The Arc Christmas party is a fun experience for the whole family. There will be a wonderful dinner and lots of dancing. Don’t forget to get your picture taken with Santa and receive your gift.
BOWLING LEAGUE: This fun activity is for everyone and is wheelchair accessible. League starts in December and continues once or twice a month until mid-summer. Currently the league has over 60 bowlers and 15 teams. When the season ends bowlers are treated to a banquet and awards.
ARC-SCURSIONS: A monthly recreational activity(excursion) for Arc members. In the past we have had activities such as dances, swimming, movies, tours, parties, trip to the Colorado Rockies Games, roller skating, and more.
GOVERNOR”S CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY: Sponsored by The Arc of Laramie County, the Governor’s Christmas Tree is decorated with handcrafted ornaments made by children and adults with intellectual disabilities throughout the State of Wyoming. The ceremony and reception are held in early December.