Empowering Every Ability

Our Mission

The Arc of Laramie County is dedicated to expanding opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) so they can fully participate in their communities. The Arc advocates for inclusive environments, promotes access to person-centered support services, partners with families, provides skill-building programs, and cultivates a network of community advocates committed to disability rights and inclusion.

Our Core Values

People First: The Arc believes that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are defined by their own strengths, abilities and inherent value, not by their disability.
Equality: The Arc believes that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are entitled to respect, dignity, equality, safety, and security afforded to other members of society, and are equal before the law.
Community: The Arc believes that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities belong in their community and have fundamental moral, civil and constitutional rights to be fully included and actively participate in all aspects of society.
Self-Determination: The Arc believes in self-determination and self-advocacy. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities, with appropriate resources and supports, can make decisions about their own lives and must be heard in issues that affect their well-being.
Diversity: The Arc believes that society in general and The Arc in particular benefit from the contributions of people with diverse personal characteristics (including but not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, age, geographic location, sexual orientation, gender, and type of disability).

Discover The Arc of Laramie County

What is The Arc?

The Arc of Laramie County is a local organization of and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

Who is The Arc of Laramie County?

The Arc of Laramie County is an open membership organization made up of:

  • People with intellectual and developmental disabilities
  • Parents and other family members
  • Friends of people with disabilities, interested citizens, and professionals in the disability field
What activities do you have for people with disabilities?

The Arc provides monthly recreational activities including bowling leagues, social activities, classes and trainings, excursions, and more.

How is The Arc Supported?

The Arc is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation that derives its support from memberships, donations from individuals and corporations, fundraisers, and grants.


In 1954, a group of parents formed The Arc of Laramie County. Their children all had cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities. At that time, they were not allowed to attend public or private schools. Imagine how you would feel if your child or grandchild was turned away from schools with no alternative other than the institution in Lander, WY.
Like all parents, they wanted their children to have the same opportunities as all children, and they wanted to keep them at home with their families. They banded together, learned about the possibilities from The Arc of Wyoming (formed in 1950 in Casper), raised the money themselves, and in 1959, they opened The Opportunity School in a building by the airport provided by the city. They started with 20 children, ages 3-16.
In 1967, the Laramie County School District responded to parents and opened a class for children with intellectual disabilities. (Previously, the school district had started Chaplin School for children who could learn more academics.) We no longer use these labels to categorize children. They are people first, so now we say people with disabilities.
As the children grew older, beyond school age, it was clear they also needed work experience. Again, The Arc pushed for a supportive work environment. The Kiwanis quickly took this as their special project, and Magic City Enterprises was born. Now, many people with disabilities can have regular jobs with little or no assistance.
By 1971, the parents of preschool children with disabilities knew that early intervention significantly improved development, and STRIDE was born, first based in the old Opportunity School. We’re all familiar with the continued success of the STRIDE program.
Also in the 1970s, there was a need for supervised group homes, which The Arc initiated. These were quickly incorporated into Magic City Enterprises as an addition to their adult services. Today, it is not uncommon for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities to live on their own, with minimal assistance.
During this time, federal legislation allowed money that previously went to state institutions to go to individuals with disabilities instead, enabling them to pay for services they need in their communities. This legislation and virtually all of the special education legislation over the years have largely been the results of the efforts of The Arc of the United States. Their expertise is highly respected in Washington. The Arc of Laramie County is a Chapter of The Arc of the United States.
The Arc, comprised of parents, professionals, and friends, is aware of the needs of people with developmental disabilities and establishes programs to fill those needs as much as possible. Once established, The Arc passes these programs on for others to run so that The Arc can respond to new needs. The first support group established, called People First, was the first of its kind. It taught people with intellectual and developmental disabilities how to become self-advocates. This powerful group started within The Arc before becoming independent. The creation of these advocacy support groups has allowed generations of individuals the opportunity to advocate for their own needs.
Since 1954, The Arc has continued to serve the needs of people with disabilities. There have been financial ups and downs. The Arc no longer has financial support from a bingo hall since PARC Bingo dissolved, which was the organization’s primary source of income. Today, we are funded solely by memberships and the generous donations of others. However, it is never enough to fund all that we would like to do to help people with disabilities.
Today, the chapter provides a variety of support through various programs, such as social inclusion and advocacy. We’re excited about this because of our belief that people with disabilities have the right to live enjoyable, productive lives with their families and friends, to make their own choices, and to be as independent as possible. As you can see by the faces and activities, The Arc has brought a lot of joy, and we all find that it also returns joy to those who give it.
We hope that you, too, will join us in our efforts to meet the needs of people with disabilities as you learn about The Arc. We welcome new members to the board, anyone who would like to help with our activities, and any way in which you would like to contribute.